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Index Type :
    Compound Name: H

Results : 2,571 Hit.  ( 982 - 1,087 Displayed )
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1 spectrum  
 C40H56O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  600.41785   
23 spectra     
 C20H27NO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  329.44312   
 Hex-Hederagenin (or 2-hydroxyoleanolic acid) (PUT)
3 spectra     
 C36H58O9   634.40808   
 Hex-hex Hederagenin (+ formic acid) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C43H70O16   842.46637   
 Hex-hex-hex-Mal-Bayogenin (PUT)
3 spectra     
 C51H80O23   1060.50903   
 Hex-hex-hex-Pen-Bayogenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C54H88O24   1120.56665   
 Hex-hex-hexA-Bayogenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C48H76O21   988.48792   
 Hex-hex-hexA-hederagenin (or hex-hex-hexA-2-hydrox...
1 spectrum  
 C55H72O15   972.48712   
 Hex-hex-hexA-hederagenin (or hex-hex-hexA-2-hydrox...
1 spectrum  
 C55H72O15   972.48712   
 Hex-hex-Mal-Bayogenin (isomer 1) (PUT)
1 spectrum  
 C45H70O18   898.45618   
 Hex-hex-Mal-Bayogenin (isomer 2) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C45H70O18   898.45618   
 Hex-hex-Polygalagenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C42H66O15   810.44019   
 Hex-hexA Apigenin (or Galangin or Genistein) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C27H28O16   608.13770   
 Hex-hexA-Chrysoeriol (or Kaempferide) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C28H30O17   638.14832   
 Hex-hexA-dhex Bayogenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C55H72O15   972.48712   
 Hex-hexA-dhex-Pen-Pen-Pen (or hex-hex-hex-hex-dhex...
3 spectra     
 C70H94O29   1398.58813   
 Hex-hexA-Mal-Gypsogenic acid (or Polygalagenin) (P...
2 spectra     
 C45H66O19   910.41980   
 Hex-hexA-Mal-Hederagenin (PUT)
3 spectra     
 C45H68O18   896.44061   
 Hex-Medicagenic acid (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C36H56O11   664.38232   
 Hex-Naringenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C21H22O10   434.12131   
36 spectra     
 C15H30N6O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  390.22269   
 HexA-Apigenin (or Galangin or Genistein) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C21H18O11   446.08490   
 HexA-Chrysoeriol (or Kaempferide) (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C22H20O12   476.09549   
 HexA-dhex-Pen-Pen-Pen-Zanhic acid (PUT)
3 spectra     
 C57H88O29   1236.54114   
 HexA-Hederagenin (PUT)
2 spectra     
 C36H56O10   648.38733   
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