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    Contributor: RIKEN

Results : 11,935 Hit.  ( 1 - 205 Displayed )
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2 spectra     
 C15H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  290.07904   
26 spectra     
 C20H19NO5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  353.12631   
13 spectra     
 C22H27NO4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  369.46100   
28 spectra     
 C15H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  290.07904   
 (+)-pantothenic acid
2 spectra     
 C9H17NO5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  219.11099   
 (+)-Tubocurarine chloride
9 spectra     
 C37H40N2O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  608.73499   
 (+-)-3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid
2 spectra     
 C6H10O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  130.06300   
1 spectrum  
 C29H50O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  430.38107   
3 spectra     
 C10H12ClNO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  213.05566   
 (+/-)-cis,trans-abscisic acid
2 spectra     
 C15H20O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  264.13617   
11 spectra     
 C21H21NO6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  383.39999   
 (-)-Citramalic acid
1 spectrum  
 C5H8O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  148.03717   
13 spectra     
 C19H22N2O  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  294.39801   
28 spectra     
 C15H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  290.07904   
1 spectrum  
 C10H14N2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  162.11571   
24 spectra     
 C22H22O8  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  414.41000   
2 spectra     
 C17H20N4O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  376.13828   
 (-)-Shikimic acid
2 spectra     
 C7H10O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  174.05283   
13 spectra     
 C15H21NO10S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  439.45999   
2 spectra     
 C11H19NO10S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  389.04504   
13 spectra     
 C11H19NO10S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  389.39999   
2 spectra     
 C11H19NO10S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  389.04504   
 (3R,4S)-3-Amino-4-methylhexanoic acid
2 spectra     
 C7H15NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  145.11028   
 (3S)-3,7-diaminoheptanoic acid
2 spectra     
 C7H16N2O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  160.12119   
 (Dodecyloxy)sulfonic acid
1 spectrum  
 C12H26O4S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  266.15518   
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